
Water & Sewer

Water & Sewer Departments are responsible for operating, maintaining and improving the Town-owned water distribution system and sewer collection and treatment system. The water system, which was purchased from a private party in 1982, was substantially upgraded in 1985. The Town also has a sewage treatment facility. Two separate boards oversee the departments. The five-person Selectboard serves as the Board of Sewer Commissioners and the Selectboard appoints a three-person Board of Water Commissioners.

Questions about billing should be directed to Greta Whitten, Finance Administrator, at (802) 362-1313 (option 2) or g.whitten@manchester-vt.gov. Parties interested in connecting to the Town’s water or sewer system should contact Scott Murphy, Town Manager, at (802) 362-1313 (option 2) or s.murphy@manchester-vt.gov. The Town contracts with Dufresne Group for engineering services. The engineer assigned to the Town of Manchester is Christina Haskins, who can be contacted at (802) 768-8291 or chaskins@dufresnegroup.com.

Eric Severance Biography:
Eric was hired by the Town of Manchester in 1989, and appointed to the Superintendent’s position in 2018. Along with Roger Sheehan, and Nicholas Woodard who operates and maintains the Town’s drinking water supply & distribution system, and the Town’s wastewater treatment facility & collection system.

Eric attended Vermont Technical College, and has worked as a surveyor, civil engineering technician, and construction inspector prior to coming to the Town of Manchester.