The five member Selectboard is the Town’s chief elected body responsible for the overall management of Town government. Selectboard members are elected in March for two or three year terms. Manchester operates under a Selectboard-Town Manager form of government, whereby the elected Selectboard serves as the Town’s chief elected legislative body and the Town Manager reports to the Selectboard and acts as the municipality’s chief administrative officer. Under this system of government, the Selectboard sets policy and the Town Manager implements policy and oversees the day-to-day operations of town government. The Selectboard also serves as the Board of Sewer Commissioners.
The Manchester Selectboard is well-regarded for its fiscal restraint, independence and ability to collectively make tough decisions that protect the taxpayers and provide for efficient and effective government. The guiding principle of the Board is that government should tax for what it needs, not what it wants. The Board’s hard work is reflected in the fact that the Town of Manchester has one of the lowest municipal tax rate in the State of Vermont.
Legal Disclaimer:
All board and commission minutes posted on this website are unofficial and uncorrected and are for informational purposes only. Official copies of minutes may be obtained in the Town Clerk’s Office during regular business hours.
Current Selectboard Members are: