
Planning & Zoning

Planning & Zoning Office is responsible for issuing zoning permits, managing community-wide land use, environmental and natural resource protection, and coordinating land use reviews with local, regional, state, and federal agencies. This office includes a Zoning Administrator and Assistant Zoning Administrator.

Planning & Zoning Administrator

Peter Brabazon was appointed the Zoning Administrator on June 12, 2023.  Peter held the position of Assistant Zoning Administrator in February 1, 2020.  Peter came to the Town with a B.S. in Accounting, a Licensed Real Estate Broker and Property Manager for Stratton Corporation for 15 years. Peter and his family reside in Manchester and stays active with his love of cycling and outdoor activities. 

Assistant Zoning Administrator

Elias Schroeder was hired as the Assistant Zoning Administrator, October 23, 2023. Elias has a B.S. in Environmental Science from Penn State and experience working as a Consulting Utility Forrester, for ECI Environmental Consultants in 2021/22.  Elias now resides in the Manchester area and is an avid skier. 

Special Assistant

Doug Kilburn joined the Town as the Special Assistant in October of 2022.  He is currently assisting the Zoning Administration team and brings a vast amount of historical knowledge and community connections.  Doug also serves on the Board of the Water Commissioners.

Useful Links 

Forms and Applications  

Frequently asked Questions and Common Standards 

Town of Manchester Planning and Zoning Documents 

Chapter III related maps (Also available on GIS Map):

Studies done Town of Manchester: