Operations Division & Human Resources
Operations Division & Human Resources are located within the Office of the Town Manager and are responsible for providing general services such as accounts payable, payroll, tax and utility billing and collection, procurement, and employee relations (including recruitment).
Human Resource & Operations Manager
Bonnie Jamieson was appointed the HR & Operations Manager on May 15,2023. Bonnie spent the past 30 years working at United Counseling Services in Bennington, VT. Her experience there began with 22 years in administrations for Development Services, and the last 7 years working in the Operations Division as an Integrated Project Manager, finishing her years as Quality Assurance Manager. Bonnie's life and work experience has been in the Bennington County area. She and her spouse have resided in Sunderland for the last 30 years. She loves to spend time with her family and their service dog, Ali.