
Dog Licenses & Ordinance

Dog licenses are due on or before April 1st each year per 20 V.S.A. § 3581.

The Manchester Town Clerk's Office and Green Mountain Veterinary Hospital will host a rabies clinic at Manchester Town Hall (40 Jeff Williams Way) on Monday, February 26th from 4pm - 5pm. 
Dog licensing will be available for Manchester residents only. We will be using the Manchester Community Food Cupboard's new space at Town Hall. Feel free to bring a non-perishable item to donate to the food shelf! 
When renewing a dog license online, make sure you include the following information:
Name: Owner's name and (Dog's name)
Dog Breed: Dog's breed and (rabies expiration date)

New Dog Licenses
To license a dog or wolf-hybrid for the first time in Manchester, please complete the New Dog Registration Form, and return it to the Town Clerk’s Office with applicable paperwork and fees.

Dog License Renewals
To renew a dog license in Manchester, please complete the Dog License Renewal Form, and return it to the Town Clerk’s Office with applicable paperwork and fees.

Please review the Town of Manchester Dog Licensing and Animal Control Ordinance for more information, or contact the Town Clerk’s Office.

License Fees:  Effective July 30, 2016