Birth & Death Records
To obtain a certified copy of a Vermont birth or death certificate, you may go to any town clerk in the State of Vermont. You will need to fill out an Application for Certified Copy of Vermont Birth or Death Certificate.
Individuals may also visit the Vermont Department of Health website to submit a request.
*Please be aware that only certain relatives or legal representatives can get a copy of certified birth or death records.*
If you are mailing in the application, please make sure you include:
- A completed application
- A copy of your driver’s license
- (front and back), or alternative documents listed on the application
- Payment
- $10 per certified copy
(Check or money order made payable to the Town of Manchester)
- $10 per certified copy
- Send all documentation to:
Manchester Town Clerk
P.O. Box 830
Manchester Center, Vermont 05255
If you are visiting the Clerk’s Office in person, please make sure you bring:
- A completed application
- Valid proof of identification
- Fees (Cash, check or money order made payable to the Town of Manchester, or debit/credit card) Please note all debit/credit card transactions are subject to a minimal convenience fee.
For genealogical purposes please go to the Vermont Department of Health website. Genealogists looking for records prior to 1909 will need to come into the Clerk’s Office.
Visit Vermont Secretary of State Website for more information regarding Apostilles.