
Factory Point Town Green

Factory Point Town Green is located in the heart of Manchester on Depot Street near the intersection of Main Street. The nearby waterfall provides for perfect setting for sitting on the grass and enjoying the sun or throwing a frisbee with friends. The Town Green hosts two historic items: local history interpretative marker and marble monument from 1912 that was part of the original Center Bridge.

The stage in the Town Green, used in conjunction with the summer concerts series, was constructed by the Town’s Department of Public Works in 2014 using blocks of marble from the arch of Center Bridge that were removed during the rebuilding of the bridge in 2012 and 2013. The stage was later covered with a post-and-beam structure and named for long-time Selectboard chair Ivan C. Beattie. The Town Green was donated to the Town of Manchester by the Manchester Conservation Commission and Town residents.


Depot St Manchester CenterVT  05255