
Swimming Lessons

***Registration opens May 1st 2025***


The Manchester Parks and Recreation Department is pleased to offer 3 sessions of Group Swim Lessons Monday through Thursday from 5pm – 6pm for 30 minutes based on registration level. Group Lesson sessions start dates are June 23rd, July 7th and July 21st and run for two weeks per session. Saturday Group Lessons run from June 21st through August 9th from 9-11am based on level of registration.

We offer one-on-one Private Lessons which are exclusively scheduled via our front desk. Private Lesson registration will not be available until we meet certain staff requirements, and as such, the exact date in which we can open registration is TBA.

All lessons are under the direction of the Water Safety Instructors and are 30 minutes in length. To enter a course, students must be able to demonstrate course requirements. To register, contact b.vanhorn@manchester-vt.gov or visit our Activity Registration and Facilities Rental Page.

Group Lesson Pricing
  W/Pool Season Pass W/out Pool Season Pass
Resident Group $40/ 8 Half Hour Classes $50/ 8 Half Hour Classes
Non-Resident Group $55/ 8 Half Hour Classes $65/ 8 Half Hour Classes


Lesson Levels:

  • Parent and Child Lessons
    This introduction to aquatics will acclimate children, ages 6 months to 3 years old, to the water with a trusted adult. Parent and Child lessons are given with fun and games in mind, as the adults learn about how to keep the child safe in the water.
  • Pre-School Aquatics
    These lessons are designed specifically for children ages 3-5. Pre-School lessons incorporate many aquatic safety topics, while playing games and introducing children to swimming on their own.  Pre-School aquatics is a wonderful preparation for the learn-to-swim program. Children should be able to hold on to the wall on their own before registering for pre-school aquatics.
  • Learn-to-Swim Level 1
    Designed to orient participants to the aquatic environment and help them gain basic aquatic skills. In addition, participants start learning about how to be safe around water.
  • Learn-to-Swim Level 2
    Builds on the basic aquatic and water safety skills and concepts learned in Level 1. Participants begin to perform skills at a slightly more advanced level and begin gaining basic propulsive skills on both the front and the back. This level marks the beginning of independent aquatic locomotion skills.
  • Learn-to-Swim Level 3
    Builds on the skills learned in Levels 1 and 2. Participants learn to swim the front crawl and elementary backstroke at rudimentary proficiency levels, and are introduced to the scissors and dolphin kicks. Participants learn the survival float and increase the time duration for treading water. Participants also learn the rules for headfirst entries and begin to learn to enter the water headfirst from a seated position at poolside (if the water is 9 feet deep or deeper). On successful completion of Level 3, participants have achieved basic water competency in a pool environment.
  • Learn-to-Swim Level 4
    Seeks to improve participants’ proficiency in performing the swimming strokes that were introduced in Level 3. Participants perform these strokes with increased proficiency and are able to swim them for greater distances. In addition, participants learn the arm actions that accompany the scissors kick and breaststroke kick in order to begin performing the sidestroke and breaststroke at rudimentary proficiency levels. Participants also learn the back crawl and butterfly at rudimentary proficiency levels, in addition to the basics of performing a simple open turn at a wall.
  • Learn-to-Swim Level 5 (4 Lessons)
    This level focuses on helping participants refine their performance of all six swimming strokes (front crawl, back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary backstroke and sidestroke). Participants perform these strokes with increased proficiency and are able to swim them for greater distances. Participants also learn to perform flip turns on the front and back.   ** Level 5 is available as a private lesson.
  • Learn-to-Swim Level 6 (4 Lessons)
    Level 6 focuses on refining strokes and turns and building endurance. Three options (Personal Water Safety, Fundamentals of Diving and Fitness Swimmer) provide participants with the opportunity to learn information and skills for specific aquatic activities. ** Level 6 is available as a private lesson.
  • Private Lessons
    Private lessons are available upon request. Private lessons are customized based on personal goals and are available for all ages. Resident: $40 per half hour / Non-Resident: $50 per half hour.