2025 RABIES CLINICS will be available by 1/31/2025.
When remitting dog license payments online, please complete one of the forms below:
Please forward the completed form to a.sheldon@manchester-vt.gov and include the date and amount of your online payment.
New Dog Licenses
To license a dog or wolf-hybrid for the first time in Manchester, please complete the New Dog Registration Form, and return it to the Town Clerk’s Office with applicable paperwork and fees.
Dog License Renewals
To renew a dog license in Manchester, please complete the Dog License Renewal Form, and return it to the Town Clerk’s Office with applicable paperwork and fees.
Please review the Town of Manchester Dog Licensing and Animal Control Ordinance for more information, or contact the Town Clerk’s Office.
License Fees: Effective July 30, 2016 Effective January 1, 2025, dog license fees will increase by $4.00 ($2.00 increase in state fees, $2.00 increase in town fees).
Previous License Fees (superseded January 1, 2025):