Most departments and offices are managed by a department head, who reports to the Town Manager. The Town Manager reports to the elected five-member Selectboard. Visit the Contact Us page for employee specific contact information and the Administration page for biographical information about Town officials.
Town Administration
Manchester Town government is divided into departments and offices, which provide services to the Town of Manchester, as well as the Village of Manchester with a few exceptions. Town Departments include the Police Department, Fire Department, Parks and Recreation Department, Department of Public Works and the Water and Sewer departments. Offices include the Office of the Town Manager (including the Operations Division), Town Clerk’s Office, Planning and Zoning Office, Emergency Management Office, Assessing Office, Economic Development Office, and Accounting and Finance Office.
Most departments and offices are managed by a department head, who reports to the Town Manager. The Town Manager reports to the elected five-member Selectboard. Visit the Contact Us page for employee specific contact information and the Administration page for biographical information about Town officials.
The Village of Manchester provides road and sidewalk maintenance through its Highway Department and the Village maintains a separate Zoning Office and zoning regulations. Please direct questions about Village roads and zoning to the Village of Manchester at (802) 362-1515 or email info@villageofmanchester.com.
General Information
The mailing address for all Town departments and offices is 40 Jeff Williams Way, Manchester Center, VT 05255. The fax number for most departments is (802) 362-1314. The Police Department fax number is (802) 362-0203. Jeff Williams Way is located off of Route 7A / Main Street, north of downtown Manchester.
Please note that non-emergency Town offices are closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.
General Information
The mailing address for all Town departments and offices is 40 Jeff Williams Way, Manchester Center, VT 05255. The fax number for most departments is (802) 362-1314. The Police Department fax number is (802) 362-0203. Jeff Williams Way is located off of Route 7A / Main Street, north of downtown Manchester.
Please note that non-emergency Town offices are closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents’ Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans’ Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas Day.